My marked pages
Annual Report
Year in review
2027 Strategy
Financial Report
Management Report
Financial statements Swiss GAAP FER­
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Statement of changes in equity
Independent Auditor's Report
Statutory financial statements
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Proposed appropriation of retained earnings
Statutory Auditor's Report
Corporate Governance
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Annual Report
Year in review
2027 Strategy
Financial Report
Management Report
Financial statements Swiss GAAP FER­
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Statement of changes in equity
Independent Auditor's Report
Statutory financial statements
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Proposed appropriation of retained earnings
Statutory Auditor's Report
Corporate Governance
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Investor Relations are on hand for analysts and investors for all questions involving Swissgrid. Swissgrid provides transparent, current and constant information. Swissgrid publicises facts relevant to the exchange rate in accordance with provisions on the ad hoc publicity of the SIX Swiss Exchange.

Hans Bucher
Corporate Finance & Investor Relations
Phone +41 58 580 27 71


Swissgrid magazine

Electricity is omnipresent. It is an integral part of everyday life and indispensable for modern living. Electrical energy has already come a long way before it flows out of our power outlets as if by magic. The Swissgrid magazine takes you along this journey and explains the role played by Swissgrid, as the transmission system operator. The magazine is published in German, French and Italian.


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