My marked pages
Annual Report
Year in review
2027 Strategy
Financial Report
Management Report
Financial statements Swiss GAAP FER­
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Statement of changes in equity
Independent Auditor's Report
Statutory financial statements
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Proposed appropriation of retained earnings
Statutory Auditor's Report
Corporate Governance
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Annual Report
Year in review
2027 Strategy
Financial Report
Management Report
Financial statements Swiss GAAP FER­
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Statement of changes in equity
Independent Auditor's Report
Statutory financial statements
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Proposed appropriation of retained earnings
Statutory Auditor's Report
Corporate Governance
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Statutory financial statements

Cash flow statement

In millions of CHF, excluding balance sheet items held on fiduciary basis Notes 2022 2021
Profit for the year 81.1 104.7
Financial expenses 14.7 53.5
Financial income –1.7 –0.9
Current income taxes 20.2 25.8
Depreciation and amortisation 159.8 180.5
Gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets 1.8
Change in inventory 0.1
Change in provisions –4.7 –2.4
Change in trade accounts receivable –53.8 –55.3
Change in other receivables –39.5 –5.5
Change in prepaid expenses and accrued income –47.5 –14.2
Change in volume- and tariff-related timing differences –420.1 –260.0
Change in trade accounts payable 187.0 112.0
Change in other current liabilities –1.7 –0.5
Change in accrued expenses and deferred income –22.0 53.5
Interest received 0.2
Income taxes paid –23.2 –19.0
Cash flow from operating activities –149.3 172.2
Gross investments in property, plant and equipment –232.6 –190.3
Congestion proceeds received for grid investments 226.6 3.1
Net investments in property, plant and equipment –6.0 –187.2
Divestment in property, plant and equipment 1.1
Gross investments in intangible assets –24.8 –18.3
Congestion proceeds received for grid investments 24.1
Net investments in intangible assets –0.7 –18.3
Investments in shareholdings –0.5
Divestments of financial assets 2.7
Dividends received 0.6 0.5
Cash flow from investing activities –3.9 –203.9
Change in current financial liabilities –54.6 –170.9
Issuing of bonds 175.0 360.0
Interest paid –13.9 –47.0
Dividends paid –53.1 –37.9
Cash flow from financing activities 53.4 104.2
Change in cash and cash equivalents –99.8 72.5
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 272.6 200.1
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 172.8 272.6
Change in cash and cash equivalents –99.8 72.5