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Annual Report
Year in review
2027 Strategy
Corporate Governance
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Annual Report
Year in review
2027 Strategy
Corporate Governance
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Financial statements Swiss GAAP FER

Statement of changes in equity

In millions of CHF Share capital Capital reserves Retained earnings Total equity
Balance at 31.12.2020 320.4 410.0 423.7 1,154.1
Dividends paid –37.9 –37.9
Capital increases (minus transaction costs) 14.1 21.2 35.3
Net income 2021 106.2 106.2
Balance at 31.12.2021 334.5 431.2 492.0 1,257.7
Dividends paid –53.1 –53.1
Capital increases (minus transaction costs)
Net income 2022 96.4 96.4
Balance at 31.12.2022 334.5 431.2 535.3 1,301.0

The share capital consists of 334,495,151 (previous year: 334,495,151) fully paid-up registered shares with a par value of CHF 1 per share. As at 31 December 2022, Swissgrid has conditional share capital of a maximum of CHF 112,939,487, divided into 112,939,487 registered shares with a par value of CHF 1 per share (previous year: CHF 112,939,487, divided into 112,939,487 registered shares with a par value of CHF 1 per share).